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25 February 2016


How to resolve Error "Oops there seems to be wrong" in Blog

How to resolve Error "Oops there seems to be wrong" in Blog - One of the errors that often occur when blogging is error "oops there seems to be wrong".

The error will appear when we will edit a part blog post on layout and at the moment we are going to edit the look of the template on the Advanced menu.

For more details, please see the image below :

Oops there seems to be wrong

When the error appears, of course it will hinder us in organizing the blog posts and also to change the look of our blog.

In this post I'll share a little bit about how to resolve the error like above.

Here are the steps to resolve it :

1. Sign it to Blogger

2. Then click on Template >> Edit HTML

3. After that search rgba code (use Ctrl + F), this section may be the most difficult to explain. But I will try to explain it as best as possible

4. If you already found the code, find that in the end there are the numbers 0. for example :
value: "rgba(80, 80, 80, 0.1)" dan value: "rgba(80, 80, 80, 0)"

The difference of both the above code is at the end of red code there is a 0, then we have to replace that code with code like this : value: "transparent"

5. The code like it was not just one, then you have to find again the rgba code that has a 0 at the end, and replace it with this code : value: "transparent"

That's how to resolve the error. It's rather difficult to explain, but I've been trying as much as possible to share this tutorial.

Hopefully tutorial above can be understood by you all.


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