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4 March 2016


5 Tips to Speed Up Blog Loading

Blog loading speed is very important, both for the convenience of visitors and SEO. Load time is too long can make visitors go before it can read the entire contents of a page.

5 Tips to Speed Up Blog Loading
Speed Up
Actually, it is natural if the blog has a load time longer than a website, because, the blog is identical to some widget installed both as a navigation tool as well as for other functions. On average, all these widgets many wearing javascript, then the loading time tends to be longer. It's good if we do the minimization of the size of files that are loaded.

There are some points that we can do to reduce blog loading time based on the elements :

1. CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a styling language that often we add in HTML. To reduce the size of CSS in HTML template, do compress CSS either manually or with a tool. Its function is to reduce the file size and time open the browser. Then, place the CSS rules at the top.

2. JavaScript
JavaScript has time reading tend to be longer, so that when placed on top, the browser will read first, while other elements will wait until the loading is completed. As a result, elements that are eager to be seen to be affected, especially the posts/articles.

Therefore, the elements that contain javascript (especially in the widget) should be placed at the bottom. Use the output widget Blogger and Google because its javascript can be loaded quickly. When forced to use an external javascript, uploading and hosting his js file for personal use only.

3. Posts
On the main page, the number of posts or articles that are displayed also affect the loading of the blog. If the posts/articles displayed too much, then the loading time will be increased. View articles on the main page with a reasonable amount, preferably 5 or 6 articles only.

To set it up, go to the Dashboard > Layout > Click ' Edit' on the body of the blog post, write the number of posts you want displayed. To further optimize it, cut part of the contents of posts / articles on the main page by using the "auto readmore".

4. Pictures/ Image
The image serves to beautify the look of the blog, gives the impression, and became a symbol of representation and interpretation of the content of the article. However, the images are large also inhibit the loading of the blog, it is therefore necessary the existence of tactics in using the image.

PNG image format is preferred because of its transparency, but the size of the file needed is much larger, but try to use a JPG format images. If still have to use a PNG image file, such as the header, background or blog posts. Reduce / compress its size with PNG compression tool which reduces the image quality.

5. Widget / Gadget
Widgets are an important part of a blog. But if the widget is used too much, then the page loading time will be longer. Use widget is important and particularly supported navigation. Avoid widget that is not so important and does not even support the content of the blog, for example, clock, calendar, photo shows, and others.

I call these widgets is not important because visitors actually do not need it, loading times heavier, and does not give any effect to the performance of the blog.

Optimize the five points above to speed up the loading time of your blog and improve its performance.

That's all I can share. Hopefully helpful.


How to Put Meta Keywords in Blogger

How to Put Meta Keywords in Blogger - Actually, search engines no longer use meta keywords as a determining factor for ranking.

But for those of you who still want to put meta keywords in blogger, below is a tutorial.

There are two types of meta keywords that can be used in blogger. First, meta keywords automatically, and secondly, meta keywords manually.

How to install meta keywords automatically
If using the method below, the keywords in the meta keywords will automatically take on the title of the blog and also post title.

1. Login to Blogger and go to your blog dashboard.

2. Click the "Template"

3. Click "Edit Html"

4. Put the code below directly below the code <head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'><meta expr:content='data:blog.title' name='keywords'/></b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='keywords'/></b:if>

5. Click "Save template"

How to install meta keywords manually
Meta keywords manual means, you must manually enter keywords in the meta keywords code.

1. Login to Blogger and go to your blog dashboard.

2. Click "Template"

3. Click "Edit Html"

4. Put the code below directly below the code <head>
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'>
<meta content='Keyword1, Keyword1, Keyword1' name='keywords'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<meta content='Keywordi2, Keyword2, Keyword2' name='keywords'/>
  • Change keyword1 with keywords for your blog's homepage
  • Replace keyword2 with keywords for your blog post pages
5. Click "Save Template"

That's how to put meta keywords in the blog. Hopefully useful for you.

27 February 2016


10 ways to Increase Google AdSense CTR on Blog

10 ways to Increase Google AdSense CTR on Blog - Register for Google Adsense is just the first step for those who want to earn money from Google AdSense.

10 ways to Increase Google AdSense CTR on Blog

The next step is increase visitors to the blog, and also optimize your AdSense ads on the blog, so lots of clicking.

Well, in this post, I will tell you how to increase Google AdSense CTR.

What is CTR?

CTR (Click Through Rate) is the percentage of the number of ads click, out of a total display/ad impressions.

For example if ads on your blog is viewed 1000 times and there are 10 people who click on ads, that means you get a CTR of 1%.

How to increase Google AdSense CTR?

Below are some things you can do to increase Google AdSense CTR :

1. Use a template that is simple and not too many colors
Try to use the theme or blog template, which has a simple layout and also not too much color.

Why... ? Because the blog that is simple and not too many knick-knacks will make your ads can appear more prominent and will more easily attract the attention of visitors to click.

2. Don't install too many widgets
Even though your blog using a simple template or theme, but if you put up too many widget, it will be useless.

Remove the widget that is not too important, for example, a calendar widget or widget blog stats, etc. The fewer widgets installed will get better. The reason is same as point number one.

3. Use the theme/template that is not too wide
Blog design that is too wide will make the visitor's eye should move to the right and to the left to read the content on the blog. Because his eyes tired, finally could not see the ads because they do not focus.

Well, if the design blog narrow, it will make the visitor's eyes focused on the middle and will make the ads more easily draw the eye. In the end the visitors itching wanted to click on the ads.

4. Use the responsive design
Now, more Internet users use mobile devices than desktop. That means to have a responsive blog is a must.

Moreover, Google AdSense now provide advertisements with types Responsive.

5. Use the recommended ad size
Google AdSense provides a fair amount of ad sizes to choose from, but you also can create your own ad sizes. But there are only few ad sizes that have a good CTR performance.

Generally, the larger the size of the ad, then the higher the CTR values. The reason it is certain, because the larger ads will be more easily seen by visitors.

6. Place Ad in the right place
Even though you have selected the right ad sizes, but if their ad placement is wrong, then it could certainly not be effective.

Below are recommendations ad placement in order to get a high CTR :
  1. Under the title of the posting, size 300 × 250 or 336 × 280
  2. In the middle of the posting, Responsive size, 300 × 250 or 336x280
  3. Under posting, size 300 × 250 or 336 × 280
  4. In the sidebar, size 300 × 600, 300 × 250, or 160 × 600
  5. In the header, Responsive size, or 728x90

7. Use a combination of ad types of images, text, and link units
Google AdSense provides three types of advertising, namely advertising the type of image, text and link units. Use a combination of all three, so the ads that appear to be more varied.

8. Reduce the number of ads
One other way that can be done to increase Google AdSense CTR is reducing the number of ads that are attached.

Simply attach the ads in locations that get high CTR values. For example under the post title or in the middle of the post.

9. Do not mix AdSense ads with other ads
Google AdSense itself does not prohibit to mix AdSense ads with ads from other programs. But it would be better not to mix it up.

10. Increase your blog visitors
The latter may not how to increase CTR, but how else, if you applied the way from 1 to 9 but still lower CTR ad, then the easiest solution is to increase visitors to the blog.


I think that's all I can share this time. Don't forget to do your own experiment, because every blog is different.

If you have any other way, please share in the comments box.

25 February 2016


How to Keep the Blog Traffic Stable or Even Up Although Rare Post ?

How to Keep the Blog Traffic Stable or Even Up Although Rare Post - Posts on the blog regularly and consistently is one constraints often encountered a blogger.

How to Keep the Blog Traffic Stable or Even Up Although Rare Post

Don't care about bloggers new or old, certainly often experience a sense of lazy, don't have any idea, have no inspiration or no passion for writing a post on the blog.

Especially for bloggers who did not have a hobby of writing like me, every day it's like to want to just stop blogging.

It is not a secret anymore, if more frequent posts, blog visitors usually will also increase. But even then, it does not mean post frequently be the only way to increase visitors to the blog.

You can still increase visitors to the blog, or at least create a blog visitor traffic stabilized although rarely post on the blog.

My blog is a simple example of a blog that is rarely post, but hardly ever decreasing visitor traffic, even every month is always increasing.

Want to know the secret ? Just look below :

Create Evergreen Content

Some of you may have heard the term "Evergreen Content". The purpose of Evergreen Content here is a piece of content (content = posts) which keep relevant although read anytime, or content that is not easy casserole.

Below are some examples of articles that could be called the Evergreen Content :

1. Guide or Tutorial Articles
Guide or tutorial article is an article that teaches step by step to do a thing.

2. Definitions Article
Definitions Article here means is an article that explains the meaning, purpose or concept of a thing.

For example the topic of this blog is about blogging, then I could write an article about "What is a Blog ?"

3. List Articles
List Articles is articles which displays a list of a thing. Articles of this type are usually there are numbers on the title.

Below are some examples of the List Articles :

  • 12 Ways to Increase Blog Visitors
  • 20 Beautiful Sights
  • 7 Ways to Maximizing SEO in Blog

4. And others...
There are many more types of other articles that could be an "Evergreen Content".

The important thing to keep in mind when it wants to make the Evergreen Content is, make sure if the content we make many who seek it.

Useless if we make posts that are not easily stale, but there is no devotees.

Update existing content

Many bloggers who thought to update the blog, we should publish a new post, whereas to update the blog can also update existing posts.

So while dont have an idea, we can use the time we have for updating an existing posts. For example, fixing typos, make it more complete, or update the information in it.

There are several benefits that can be obtained if we consistently update our blog posts :

  • Make the postings into a higher quality over time
  • Got a good rank on Google, because Google likes a quality article and also up to date.
  • Of course, if it gets good grades, it will have an effect to increase visitor traffic

Boost Blog Promotion

The last one I think is most important but many bloggers are not too concerned with it, that is the promotion of the blog.

Blogging is not just a matter of how often posting articles on the blog, but also active in promoting the blog.

If in our blog is filled stale content is not easy, then we have to promote your content, so that many came to read it.

Rather than spend the time to make new posts, that's better if the time used to promote existing content.


The conclusion is clear, you do not need to post the article in frequency, so that blog visitors is increasing. But even then, it does not mean after reading this post, you can simply laze around for posting articles on the blog.

If you are able to post articles on a regular basis, then it would be great, But if you are not able to, it is better do not forced. Use the ways that I have written above.


How to add the SEO Friendly Breadcrumbs on the Blog

How to add the SEO Friendly Breadcrumbs on the Blog - The breadcrumb is one of the factors that affect the Blog, that's SEO Friendly or not.
Therefore, all blogs are required to have the Breadcrumbs.

Are You know what it breadcrumbs ? Breadcrumb is the marker on a website/blog. For more details, you can see the picture below :

SEO Friendly Breadcrumbs

Are your blog is already added the breadcrumb ? If not, you can add it by following the tutorial below. But before that, you have give label to all your post.

Below the steps in Add a Breadcrumb on Your Blog :

1. Sign in to Blogger

2. Then click Template >> Edit HTML

3. Next, find the code <b:includable id='main' var='top'> (Use Ctrl+F)

4. If it is found, delete the code and replace it with the code below :
<b:includable id='breadcrumb' var='posts'><b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl != data:blog.url'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'><span><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='tag'>Home</a></span> » <span><data:blog.pageName/></span></div>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<!-- breadcrumb for the post page -->
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<div class='breadcrumbs' xmlns:v=''>
<span typeof='v:Breadcrumb'><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' property='v:title' rel='v:url'>Home</a></span>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
» <span typeof='v:Breadcrumb'><a expr:href='data:label.url' property='v:title' rel='v:url'><></a></span>
» <span><data:post.title/></span>
<div class='breadcrumbs'><span><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' rel='tag'>Home</a></span> » <span>Unlabelled</span> » <span><data:post.title/></span></div>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>
<!-- breadcrumb for the label archive page and search pages.. -->
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
<span><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></span> » <span>Archives for <data:blog.pageName/></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<div class='breadcrumbs'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageName == ""'>
<span><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></span> » <span>All posts</span>
<span><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></span> » <span>Posts filed under <data:blog.pageName/></span>
<b:includable id='main' var='top'>
<b:include data='posts' name='breadcrumb'/>

5. After that, place the code below right above code ]]></b:skin> :
.breadcrumbs{padding:0px 5px 5px 0;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:0px;font-size:11px;color:#5B5B5B;border-bottom:1px dotted #bbb;}

Finish. Now your blog already has the coolest and SEO Friendly Breadcrumbs.
With the breadcrumbs, the look of your blog will look more beautiful and handsome.

I think that's all from me.


How to Make Table of Contents (Sitemaps) in Blog Based on Label

How to Make a cool Table of Contents on Blog Based on Label - On a blog, there should be a table of contents.

What is the table of contents on blog ? The table of contents on the blog is a box which contained the entire postings / articles that we have made.

The main function of the table of content is to allow visitors to see throughout all of your article and if there is interesting, visitors can just click the title of the article.

Well, in this post I will share about how to make "table of contents" automatically based on the label for Your blog.

Below are the steps to make it, follow it right:

1. Sign in to Blogger

2. Then select Pages >> New Page

Table of contents on Blog

3. Then put the code below into the HTML section
<div style="margin: auto; max-height: 1200px; overflow: auto; padding: 3px; text-align: left; width: 100%;">
<script src=""></script><script src="/feeds/posts/default?max-results=999&alt=json-in-script&callback=loadtoc"></script>

4. Click Publish

5. Finish

Now, Your blog already have a table of contents. Many blogs out there that do not install / use table of contents, whereas, it's function is very large for a blog.